Tuesday March 3rd, I will be presenting at an online Women in Trading event. 

I’m up: Tuesday March 3rd 2:00 pm ET

My talk: Big Returns Come When You Allocate Resources Well

Register for Women In Trading Webinar

The organizer, @TradeOutLoud, has assembled a wonderful group of Pro Women Traders to speak at on online event ALL THIS WEEK!

Some of guest women speakers include:


Women Teach Trading and Investing: Opportunities for Everyone in Today’s Markets

There is no cost to participate in this full week of trader education from Top Professional Women Traders that trade and invest successfully for a living.

Make sure you drop in for my presentation – “Big Returns Come When You Allocate Resources Well” at 2pm ET on Tuesday 3rd March.

I’d love to see you there!


Want even more reason to sign up?

>>I will be reviewing how I came to turn from Bull to Bear the few days before the Major Sell-Off: